Cleaning a painting is a complicated undertaking which should only be carried out by an experienced professional conservator.
Analysis of the substances that will be removed is necessary.
The correct system to clean a painting is always different, according to each individual artwork.
Cleanings are designed both chemically and physically.
Surface Cleans can involve gels, scalpels, lasers, microscopes, swabs and different chemical mixtures.
Chemicals are used on paintings because of an intimate knowledge and understanding of chemisty.
The selection of what to remove from a painting is an ethical choice, and should be discussed beforehand.
Analysis of the substances that will be removed is necessary.
The correct system to clean a painting is always different, according to each individual artwork.
Cleanings are designed both chemically and physically.
Surface Cleans can involve gels, scalpels, lasers, microscopes, swabs and different chemical mixtures.
Chemicals are used on paintings because of an intimate knowledge and understanding of chemisty.
The selection of what to remove from a painting is an ethical choice, and should be discussed beforehand.